Change in Ethnic Identity Across the College Transition


  • Kim M. Tsai UCLA
  • Andrew J. Fuligni UCLA
Keywords: ethnic identity, college transition, extracurricular activity


This brief report examined changes in ethnic identity as a function of college type and whether any differences in ethnic identity could be explained by extracurricular activity involvement, ethnic composition of college, and residential status. Although no changes in ethnic labeling or belonging were found, there was a normative decrease in ethnic search, independent of residential status. Moreover, the decline in ethnic search was significantly greater at two- than four-year colleges and this difference was mediated by higher rates of participation in extracurricular activities at four-year colleges. Ethnic identity did not vary by ethnic composition of college. There were no ethnic or generation differences in ethnic identity change, however females were more likely to include an American term in their ethnic label than males, over time. Averaging across time, students at four-year colleges also had a greater preference for the American term in their ethnic labels. Findings illuminate the importance of context in shaping ethnic identity.


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