The Mekong Island Population Laboratory (MIPopLab), A Demographic Surveillance System in Rural Cambodia (2000-06)


  • Patrick Heuveline UCLA CCPR
  • Brooks Ambrose
  • Sothy Eng
  • Gail Yen
  • Bunnak Poch
  • Savet Hong


From 2000 to 2006, the Mekong Island Population Laboratory (MIPopLab) collected basic demographic information on a population of roughly 10,000 individuals in Central Cambodia. This paper accompanies the release of these 13 waves of demographic-surveillance data. The data files are being released with English translations of all questionnaires (administered in Khmer, the official language of Cambodia) and codebooks that also include simple frequency tables. In this paper, we provide additional background information on the data collection operations. We also present the different types of data files, together with some basic tabulations derived from these, such as the population by gender and age-groups from the benchmark censuses and the number of births, deaths, and migrants by gender and age-groups from the subsequent demographic updates.Whenever possible, we compare these distributions with those from nationally representative data and provide references to further analyses based at least in part on MIPopLab data.


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